Starting with heroic features and then…

While meeting for the first time we attempt to portray us and highlight our heroic features. Guys! Do we continue with it or can we carry us with exhibitionist attitudes for long? The answer is pretty known to us and this is a major cause that irritates our opposite sex. It is best to present us as we are and this really helps to keep the relation ticking for long. And if you are in a mood to make your date partner a life partner, the story should be totally special. Just don’t pretend, talk truth but if you stick to boring topics, the dream for life long relationship may reach the dead end soon.

Old-Fashioned Dating
Every woman loves to think of herself as a 21st century girl. Today’s women are fearless and independent, and they don’t mind letting the world know.

There’s still, however, a huge part in every woman that wants an old-fashioned, stand-up man who can take care of her every need.

It’s important to know which rules you can resurrect from Ye Olde dating manuals, and which will just insult her; you certainly don’t want to insist that she has a chaperone or disrespect her by asking her parents’ permission before taking her out. There are, however, some tried-and-true, old-fashioned dating tricks that will make her swoon like a silver-screen starlet.

Read below for some old-fashioned dating tips that’ll help you become your date’s knight in shining armor.

Plan and pay for the evening

This is probably one of the most highly debated of all dating rules; paying for the date is so contentious precisely because it’s such an old-fashioned dating practice. A lot of women will make a faux effort to pick up the bill, but most still appreciate the gesture when a man pays.

Also, be sure to take control of making reservations and planning fun activities for the remainder of the outing. There’s little that’s worse than having the “what do you want to do” conversation on a first date or any date for that matter.

Just be careful: implementing this plan and coming off like Cary Grant instead of Cro-Magnom man can be tough. If she makes a suggestion, ask if it can be saved for the next night out, because you’ve made special plans for this one.

If you phrase it like that, you’ll maintain control of the evening while taking the responsibility off her and still showing her respect.

Pick her up

This is a true blast from the past, and an integral element to old-fashioned dating. You need to roll up in front of her house or apartment, get out of your car, knock on her door, and walk her to the car (don’t forget to open the car door for her too). Same goes for the end of the evening.

Once she’s cradled in the passenger seat of your car, she’ll feel like she’s been taken back to the good old days -- when a woman was really wooed. And she’ll really appreciate the gesture.

When you ask her out, don’t give her a choice. Just ask what time you ought to pick her up for your night out. The added bonus is that you can take care of parking fees and road tolls, letting her literally enjoy the ride. You’re also the automatic designated driver, so she can really relax.

Treat it like an occasion

Often lost on a new generation of more self-serving adults is the old-fashioned dating concept of a date being a special night out. This is a chance to get to know somebody you think is special and you want to show your best side. The first element to this is dressing the part. You don’t need to wear a tux, just be sure you’re dressed well. This is not a drinking night with your buds. Refresh your look and throw on a masculine scent (but not too much) before stepping out. She’ll definitely appreciate the effort.

Give her your jacket

This may be one of the hardest old-fashioned dating tips to pull off.

Don’t be lame. Giving her your jacket must be a smooth transition. So, if it’s not cold or rainy, don’t pass your jacket on. And the key to this is not asking if she’d like to wear it. If you do, she will likely be too embarrassed, shy or proud to accept, and instead will suffer in silence.

If you notice her shivering or if she mentions the cool night, just take off your coat and offer it to her when it’s almost at her shoulders. This way she’s still not obligated to take it, but is much more likely to accept.

This is a great move to bring into your modern-day repertoire for a couple of reasons. First is that she’s more comfortable and feels taken care of and you get to feel like a hero. The second is that it’s just so darn nice, and that’s an irresistible trait in a man.

Respect her old-fashioned side

If you’re going to show off your macho side, she may pull out her ponytail and poodle-skirt mannerisms too. If she waits for you to open the door, be sure to oblige and appreciate the chance to show off your superior manners.

When it comes down to what happens at the end of the date, don’t make any assumptions just because you’ve worked your buns off to give her a great time. If you’ve done your work, she’ll come to you when she’s ready. Just walk her to her door and tell her you’ve had a great time. Don’t get to close, but if she does, well it’s all up to you from there.

Follow up

Hardly anybody does this anymore, and that’s what makes it so great.

After a job interview, it’s good policy to give a call or send a note letting your prospective employer know that you enjoyed meeting them and hope to have a chance to see them again.

The same policy works in dating. The day after you’ve gone out, give her a call, a text or an e-mail letting her know that you had a wonderful time. Don’t ask for another night out yet, but let her know that you’re interested in seeing her again. Then give it some time and make your move.

Sex Date Ideas
Doing something different with your lover is the first step to making sex more interesting and exciting. Traditionally, a date is based on a romantic concept, and you might get lucky if you do it right. But when you are already in a relationship, being romantic just to get sex is a little past its expiration date. Being sexually creative is one of the most important ingredients in a successful relationship, so why not plan a creative date that is specifically for sex? It will, after all, provide something new and exciting, not to mention a raunchy boost.

Here are six sex date ideas that are sure to steam up your love life. Granted, you might not be up for all the ideas that are presented here; feel free to dream up something hot for you and your lover. Your lover will appreciate it, and it may well prompt more erotic adventures.

Visit a private dancer

Visit a classy strip club together and get a private dance as a couple. This is a fairly effortless sex date, but it can be very erotic to have a sultry creature dancing and writhing while the two of you sit and watch in the magic little booth with the velvet, mirrors and vanilla scents. Choose your venue carefully, since there is nothing less sexy than turning up at a sleazy, badly run joint. The larger strip clubs usually have more dancers with well-choreographed stage shows, whereas the slummy pole bars typically cycle single moms who are past their prime through three-song performances. You could also try to take your sex date to a peep show or a porn theater, but these places tend to be sleazy and not very female-friendly.

Eat an arousing dinner

A dinner chock-full of aphrodisiacs can make for an excellent sex date. Select sexy ingredients, such as champagne, oysters, avocado, asparagus, and anything phallic. Keep your fare light, as you don’t want to send all your blood to your stomach instead of other important places. Instead of simply feeding each other with your fingers, you could opt to make an appealing platter out of yourself. Simply get naked and place the delicious feast over your torso, and remember to strategically place some of the food. Dessert is often great on a "body plate" (yours or hers), and can involve warm chocolate sauce, strawberries, melon, and whipped cream. Sex and food have always gone hand in hand since both are about sensations, tastes, textures, and smells. As part of the preparations for you sex-date feast, remember to help the ambiance with scents, such as authentic ylang-ylang, rose or sandalwood essential oils that are known to have a sexually stimulating effect.

Play dirty games

No one said that your sex date can’t be a play date. Unfortunately, there is a true shortage of fantastic sex games for couples in the world, but there are some that will never go out of fashion. Combining your favorite card game with stripping is always fun and can be a blast for beginners. Other games available are sexual card games, dice games and board games.

Board games are typically more involved and take longer, leading to a steamy night of passion instead of a quick bump and grind. Monogamy, which won Adult Game of the Year, is a fun and interesting lover’s game. The Kama Sutra Game will add depth to your lovemaking and relationship, as well as fun and eroticism. In addition to a number of online resources, Hugh de Beer’s book, 269 Amazing Sex Games, offers many titillating, fun and pleasing ways to get your nasty on.

Shop for sex toys

Find a boutique sex store with a bit of atmosphere and a decent range of products and take your missy there. A sex date that involves finding sex toys is fun, and nothing builds more erotic anticipation than the idea of going home afterward to stick this or that in there or here. What you can shop for on your sex date is virtually limitless: You can purchase toys, lingerie or sexy outfits. You can even do a sex shop crawl, which is akin to bar-hopping and, therefore, involves going in to a number of different shops to take a look around. It will surely make you laugh, and sex will definitely be on both your minds as you drive home -- if you make it that far.

Go skinny-dipping

Sharing a night out in the elements is fun and you can make it as sexy or romantic as you please when you strip and dip. Choose your location well and the atmosphere will take care of the eroticism. Don’t have any decent beaches, rivers or lakes at your disposal? Simply find a beautiful location with no one else around -- perhaps a wilderness park or a rest stop with a view -- and make the most of it. Useful props are wine, food and a blanket. It goes without saying, but watch out for the police -- no one wants to get charged with indecent exposure or lewd behavior.

Have a porn night

Having a porn night, in which you watch movies, read erotic literature or look at erotic photography/images, can make for a very stimulating sex date. To ensure that you both get a little of what you like, it’s a good idea to choose one or two movies each. Good erotic literature is hard to find, but worth the search. Sexy short stories are good because you can read them to each other without sending your lover to sleep. Adult magazines or bookstores will also have a range. Erotic images are sometimes nice, but sleaze may not turn her on so choose carefully. Beautiful photography books, like black-and-white erotic art nudes, are great coffee table fixtures, and have the added benefit of accosting your lover's eyes with pages filled with lovely bodies.

Establishing Trust
To paraphrase the opening lines of one of my favorite movies, Casino, spoken by Robert DeNiro; "When you love someone, you trust them, there is no other way. You give them the keys to everything that's yours, otherwise what's the point". For me, those words sum up a lifetime of dating and relationships for the very essence of any relationships is quite simply, trust.

It is a word that we mention regularly without really thinking about what it really means. Well we kind of know but rarely do we talk about its importance. Trust is when we implicitly rely on the truth about our situation and what we are told and what we are led to believe. We give trust and we take trust at face value. We believe in the person we are dating, in the person we love and we do not question it. Trust is unspoken, it is not denied, it is part of everything we place our faith in. When we talk about 'head-games' we are often referring to trust or a lack of it.

Trust is the foundation of our dating experience because we want to be able to rely on someone and be relied upon. It is a tow-way faith experience where both parties have a support system that has undeniable truth at its core. In the first hours of our first date with someone we really like, we attempt to establish that trust. We ask questions and receive answers and we rely upon the basic truth in the picture that unfolds.

I often hear people saying that trust comes in time and that there will be no true love until trust is created. The issue I have with that is in its inherent lack of faith. When someone says they want to build up a level of trust they really mean that their trust in someone previously had been badly damaged and that they are cautious and have barriers that they need to remove over time. Totally understandable in this day and age. However by not trusting in the beginning you are denying the possibilities of truth at the early stages. You are skeptical and unforgiving to avoid hurt. Do you believe that love at first sight requires months of trust building afterwards?

Caution is inherently valuable when dating and being careful with what we are being led to believe is wise, but only up to a point. To not be believed takes away the romance of an occasion. Love is often about spontaneity and risk and to this extent we often find that powerful kind of emotional love when we are younger. As time goes by we are adept to trust people less due to a history of deceit and being lied to. It is often said that we get harder as we get older. That is a shame. How then can we hope to regain that level of innocent and powerful love and romance we may have experienced when we were, say 18 years old?

Think about the opening quote I made, and ask yourself how open you really are to new people,situations and emotions. Have yo reached a point where it would be impossible to go back and be immediately trusting, or do you think that with the right person you could throw caution to the wind. By analyzing yourself in this way, you can interpret how a future relationship might develop. Where a previous relationship has been abusive, trust will of course take time to build up but at the same time you can be cautious and semi-open. To do this you must date wisely and you must select potential partners well. This is why I often emphasize how and why you must plan your dating carefully.

Mysteriousness Is An Essential Factor For Dating Success
Think about how many times you have heard the expression "mysterious stranger". Think about how many times you have heard someone say " I really want to get to know you more". People are attracted to mystery. Being enigmatic, in other words, not knowing what makes a person tick. Not knowing their thoughts. Not knowing everything about them provokes instant challenge. A mysterious stranger is an attractive person. You want to know more, you want to gain their attention you want to be known to them. Someone you can read like an open book lacks that essential quality and is therefore less attractive at first glance.

To be successful and attractive when dating it pays to keep something in reserve. A busy person is an attractive person because their life appears to be full, but you don't actually know that. You simply wish to know more. And in trying to know more, you find an interest level that you didn't find in those that offer you everything on a plate.

An enigmatic man has an air of mystery. An enigmatic woman has the same. Your desire quotient is increased significantly if you don't allow everything in your head to spill out to anyone within earshot. Mystery is a challenge and we know that challenge is inherent in many dating scenarios. By being a challenge to someone who wants to get to know you and by making them work for it, so your chances of success in the dating game are so much higher.

People often say that they meet someone when they least expected it. This is partly because by being busy with their every day routine they didn't notice that someone had taken an interest in them. This is often in part because you are busy. You are promoting an air of desirability because there is a mystery to you. Your life seems full and they are interested. They want to know more about you.

It is worth noting however that enigma and mystery are very different from being stubborn and moody. Not knowing about your life and what makes you trick is one thing. Being downright secretive is something completely different.

Here are some key tips to being enigmatic and mysterious:

  • At work or with friends, don't bore the office with every opinion you can muster.
  • Always keep something back when relating a story - why and how and when are details for later
  • Don't announce every plan you make. Keep some things to yourself for a while
  • Do not phone people, let them call you
  • Don't always return calls and never instantly
  • Keep your private life private. It is not open for general discussion and debate
  • Don't be too available but don't explain why you are not available either
  • Keep people guessing
  • Making interested parties think they are no the only person interested in you ups the ante and increases your desirability
  • Don't reply to emails and text messages at weekends
  • If you are using a dating service, don't reply to emails and messages at weekends
  • Be busy without giving details of what you are doing
  • Break plans occasionally without giving too much away
  • When you do meet up be entertaining and fascinating without giving every detail away
  • Never discuss ex partners and refuse to be drawn on the subject
  • Use an evasive enigmatic smile to answer questions to great effect
  • Even when people beg you to know more, keep them guessing
  • Never be too available, your diary is always semi-full as far as anyone is concerned
  • Mention you were with 'some people' but say little else on the subject when relating a tale
  • Let people do the running and don't do the chasing unless necessary
  • Have different groups of friends who you don't mix together
  • To be highly effective, create the desire initially then ration it afterwards. They will treat you like a drug, craving more due to the great times they have when they do eventually get to see you
  • Learn key expressions like "oh I have been really busy", "wow its been crazy", "I have lots of plans this week", "my diary is really full" and "Oh I have been doing so many things" without giving more away
  • Be a challenge and never be an open book. Make people work to get to know you

To Kiss and be Kissed


Kissing is not such a clear-cut subject as you may think. It depends where you are sitting when reading this article. For many countries in Asia for example kissing is a private affair that almost never happens in public. I remember a Filipino guy I worked with in Singapore who was completely amazed to the point of hysteria that two men were seen kissing in public on the London tube. He simply couldn't deal with that concept at all. I have lived in Asia for a while and it was very rare the whole time I was there to meet indigenous people who kissed openly. Indeed in Thailand it was far more common to rub noses than to ever touch lips.

Kissing is a sexual act to some degree and some societies simply do not view kissing as appropriate behavior in public. Even in the UK , overt kissing in public is often frowned upon by older members of the public, even if as a youngster its perfectly natural. Then again on a summer evening in Rome, or a city park in Paris, I would expect to see couples of every age group kissing passionately as the most natural thing in the world. It all depends on where you are you see.

In western society kissing is a pretty normal mainstream pastime and rather lovely at that. The problem occurs when we start dating and are not sure when we should kiss and to what extent. The crux appears to be that we want our first kiss with someone we like to be prefect. If we begin dating and we don't kiss its unsettling, but if we are French Kissing (openmouthed) on day 1 the romance can dissolve too quickly. So it is a matter of waiting.

There is no definite here but it is pretty much accepted that on a first date, if it goes well then you should offer or accept a small kiss on the cheek and nothing more. This will occur when you go your separate ways and says that a basic level of attraction has been built up. The desire may be to kiss the lips off your date but hold back if you can. Anticipation is the mother of desire.

Of course by your second date, if you are both displaying all the signs of attraction then it won't take long before you are kissing more passionately but again it depends on the situation, culture and person you are with. Find the right place and wait as long as you cam I was dating a girl in Hong Kong and waited two weeks , seeing her 4 times a week, before we kissed properly. Believe me the kiss was worth the wait because it happened at the top of the mountain above Hong Kong called The Peak set against the lightening of an electric storm. An electric kiss it surely was and totally memorable for all the right reasons.

Guys should also remember that kissing does not automatically lead to any other physical contact for some time, so be patient and take things slowly.

  • Make sure you know how to kiss

  • Ensure your hygiene is spot on

  • Carry some gum if you need to freshen up

  • Floss regularly

  • Remember to kiss gently and sensitively

  • Wait until you are ready to kiss and choose your moment

  • Allow the passion of kissing to build up slowly

  • Remember that a first kiss should be memorable

  • take the initiative if your partner is shy

  • Learn the key body signals that demonstrate conclusively that your date wants to be kissed

  • Remember that good kissing can be as sensual as sex

  • Appreciate that some people do not liked to be kissed in public

Confidence in Dating

I once read the results of a survey in a leading woman's magazine that said the number 1 most attractive quality in a man was confidence. Not arrogance, confidence. It took some time to sink in as to what this really meant. Did it mean grabbing the girl in matinee idol pose and whisking her backwards whilst I kissed those luscious lips of hers? Did it mean turning into a caveman never taking no for an answer? Did it mean turning up at the door of the girl next door and whisking her off to Paris for the weekend, though we had hardly spoken? What did they mean by confidence? The quest was on it find out.
Every woman I have asked will answer in a different vein so the answer isn't all things to all men. Confidence, it appears, is in the eye of the beholder. Even worse, confidence can easily be misconstrued so one has to tread carefully. The point is not confidence itself, but its easier to define by its opposite, fear. Fear in men is not attractive. Fear defines a man as not knowing his own value, lacking a feeling of self worth, not being sure of his abilities, lacking in presence and determination. This I may add is very different from justifiable fear that we all face.
Okay, back to confidence. Men are attractive when they are confident said one friend. Another told me, "ooh a confident man makes me go weak at the knees". So I pressed them further. A confident man it seems is one who carries with him a self-assuredness that is most definitely not arrogance. It is a state where a man feels sure of himself and his abilities, knows what he is about, knows himself for what he can do,, what he may be able to do, what he may fail at but does not fear to try. A confident man is in control of his destiny, his future, his career, his day. And to many women that is very attractive.
After all, a woman is looking for a partner, one who will not only match with her mentally and physically, but someone who can drive her onwards, someone who has ambition and vitality, someone who can pass hi self assuredness on to her. A man who is confident is sexy because he is comfortable with himself, he is in control and he is able to make decisions, good decisions. He is confident in the choices he makes and in choosing you (maybe really you selected him), he passes this feeling of being special on to you. Being selected by the right man can be very sexy indeed.

How To Use Body Language

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Safe Dating Tips for Single Women and Men

You know, online dating on the web is generally extremely safe, especially friendly and great fun and Top Dating is committed to ensuring that it stays that way. It is safe dating because it is distance dating - simple. You do not come into contact with others initially and this may well provide you with a comfort factor that also allows you to pace yourself and be rightly choosey.

If possible though, you should try and follow a few basic online safe dating principles before deciding to pass over personal contact information to a relative stranger or arrange to meet them. It's all too easy to get a little carried away when viewing personal ads so take things slowly and take a rain check every now and again. The tips here are from They may appear obvious to you but we think that if you do try and follow them, it can only assist you in ensuring you have happy online dating experiences. And you never know, Mr. or Miss Right may be just round the corner. We really hope so.

  • Always trust your instinct, after all it has got you this far in life already.

  • Take your time and view plenty of personal ads first.

  • Do not publish your phone number or email address in personal ads.

  • Don't take everything at face value.

  • Do ask lots of questions when chatting.

  • Ensure you feel comfortable at all times whoever you are chatting with.

  • If someone is abusive to you, block them straight away.

  • Don't provide your home or work address to anyone you have not met.

  • Before agreeing to a date, check that you know as much as possible

Don't allow yourself to be talked into anything, whatsoever! You are the one in charge.

Also consider the following:

  • Take your time to get to know someone. Don't be rushed
  • A patient person will be happy to wait until you are ready to meet
  • Make sure you see plenty of photos if possible of the person you make friends with
  • Ask your date to leave a message in your voicemail box before hand if possible
  • Chat on the phone for a while before arranging a date, get to know each other
  • Always meet in a public place that is well known and convenient to you
  • Always tell a good friend where you are going, and who you are meeting
  • If possible phone your friend during the date to confirm all is fine

And perhaps consider these points too:

  • Always carry a cellular phone on a date if you have one
  • Lunchtimes are good for dating, convenient, and they have a time limit
  • Always make your own travel arrangements on a date initially
  • Do not accept a lift home on the first date or reveal your address
  • If travelling far, organize your own accommodation and confirm it
  • Ensure you have as much information about your date as possible
  • Keep your first date to a time limit so that you have an "exit" point
  • Don't feel you owe it to someone to meet them, you do not!

Tips for The End Of a Date

1. If you really didn't have a great time, you can always end the date early by being truthful and call an end to proceedings by saying you have an urgent meeting, phone call, appointment etc. Whilst your date will not be a fool, they will understand what you are trying to say. Better still, simply be kind but truthful and point out that you don't think you will be an ideal match and that you have had a lovely evening but that is all there is to it.

2. Never allow someone to believe there is more on offer than there really is. Do not keep your options open with someone if you don't intend to call them. It is always better to end the date as a full-stop than to keep someone hanging on for weeks afterwards. So don't falsely keep someone's hopes up, ever.

3. If you are a guy you are paying the bill or getting the check, whatever you believe. This is not the moment to start quibbling over who had what from the menu and splitting things. The age of chivalry is not dead and you had the company of the lady this evening, therefore it is your task to leave an excellent and chivalrous image by getting out your credit card.

4. If the lady insists on paying half, this is often the sign of a no-strings-attached evening out and that she prefers to leave things in a very even way. If she wants to do this, it is up to you whether you wish to accept.

5. Do not be planning deep throat kissing and sex immediately after unless it really is on the cards for both of you. And even then, remember that you should be planning to retain your enigma at least for a few dates yet so resolve not to get into bed just yet. As a guy you should be planning to see her to her cab and then give her a small kiss on the cheek.

6. If you like your date, tell them. You don't need to be explicit but you don't need to be coy either. If you enjoyed their company be forthright and confident and tell them that you would look forward to spending more time in their company very soon. If you can arrange a second date at this stage, then do so but only if you are serious. People do not like being made a fool of or being let down.

7. Do not try to avoid hurting someone's feelings by pretending you like them more than you really do. If you had a good time but won't be seeing them again then better to leave things like that.

8. Keep things relaxed, fun and casual and if you feel they are less interested than you, then keep things open-ended and optional. That way your date will have time to reconsider.

9. If you are a guy see your date safely to a cab or her car and do not make her feel any pressure whatsoever. If you are a girl then ensure you feel comfortable with this happening. If you prefer to see yourself to a cab then do so.

10. Always remember that dating is a stage by stage process and nothing rarely happens instantly. Therefore the first date was exactly that with hopefully many more to follow.

11. And finally but perhaps controversially, don't offer friendship as substitute. This is a date and has it's basis in romance. Ultimately you will find friends in many different places, but you should view dating as the possibility of establishing romance as your foremost priority.

Flirting Tips Help You Show Interest

You are at a party and out of nowhere someone is standing close to you. Like a genie, they keep turning up, close by, catching your gaze. You go and chat and they stand in the same position as you, playing with their hair, laughing with you and holding your gaze. This person likes you and is flirting. How do you know? Because without realizing it, you are an expert in flirting and body language.

What would dating be without flirting. Flirting is fabulous, flirting is fun, flirting is giving out signals that we may be interested in someone, or we may be pretending. But within reason, flirting is part and parcel of our daily lives. Flirting can be harmful when it threatens fidelity but it can also be sexy and bring people closer together. Some people are good at flirting and some people hopeless.

Are you a flirt? If you are you know it and are secretly proud of the fact. It is sexy when you flirt and people like it. Flirting means giving people attention, it means, smiling, touching, whispering. In the right circumstances it is a powerful tool especially against the unwary. In the wrong circumstances it will get you fired. There is a gulf between flirting and unwanted sexual advances so beware.

It is useful to look at some of the key indicators of flirting and they can prove extremely useful when working out if the person across the table from you is interested. The one to keep your eye on the most is "mirroring". Mirroring is when someone copies your body movements whilst retaining eye contact. Its is one of the biggest giveaways there is.

Eye Contact

  • Pupils are dilated and eye contact is maintained
  • Eye contact combined with an arched eye brow
  • Any form of winking
  • Rapid eye movement and blinking
  • Eye contact where the gaze is held longer than usual. Men normally look away.

Hair and Mouth

  • Playing with hair in a stroking or toying motion
  • Eye contact whilst playing with hair
  • Touching your hair at any time
  • Lots of smiling, open mouthed and teeth flashing
  • Lip licking
  • Puckering lips in a simulated kiss form
  • Any form of touch of the lips or teeth with tongue

Body Movement

  • The thrusting of chest or breasts outwards whilst holding your gaze
  • The copying of your posture - mirroring
  • Holding your gaze whilst moving to music
  • Using a posture with legs crossed towards you
  • Leaning in towards you whilst holding your gaze
  • Open legged posture facing you
  • The display of flesh of arm or thigh


  • They will want to touch you and will reach out to do so with some excuse
  • They will offer to place food in your mouth as if feeding you
  • They will play with their hands and then with yours

The Way they Speak

  • Their tone and speed of conversation mirrors your own
  • Lots of laughter and questioning tones
  • In a group, you are singled out by this person for attention even in general conversation and questions. This happened to me in New York and I was taken aback how obvious it was.